Our Governance & Executive team


Dr Logan Hamley

"Ko Ruapehu te maunga
Ko Whanganui te awa
Ko Ngāti Rangi, ko Te Ātihaunui-ā-Pāpārangi ngā iwi
Ko Ngāti Tui-o-nuku te hapū
Ko Maungārongo te marae
Ko Logan Hamley ahau

Logan is a senior researcher at Whakauae Research Services, the only iwi-owned research centre in Aotearoa, under the auspices of Ngāti Hauiti. He previously worked as a Kaupapa Māori psychology lecturer at the University of Waikato, and been involved in governance for Rainbow Youth, Aotearoa’s largest rainbow youth organisation. His work spans various facets of hauora Māori, with a particular focus on rangatahi and takatāpui flourishing. He has been on the board since 2022, supporting tauira and allied health kaimahi, and advocating for kaupapa Māori systems transformation to support hauora. He is dedicated to supporting vibrant Māori futures, and ensuring allied health, in particularly psychology, is equipped to support whānau Māori in their journeys of wellbeing, as shaped by their aspirations.

E rere kau mai te awa nui
Mai i te Kāhui Maunga ki Tangaroa
Ko au te Awa, ko te Awa ko au
Mauri ora"


Dr Emerald Muriwai

Emerald is a Clinical Psychologist at Te Toka Tumai Te Whatu Ora specialising in

Adult Mental Health recovery. Emerald has a background in kaupapa Māori

research and practice, previously working at Te Rōpū Whāriki Massey University

as well as experience as a Personal Trainer and Powerlifting Coach. She

continues to participate in the exercise sector as a Les Mills Fitness Instructor.

Emerald’s current research and practice interests span across hauora Māori,

Māori mental health, lived experience, exercise and sport psychology, trauma

informed care, cultural safety, wairuatanga, Indigenous healing and Indigenous

data sovereignty. Emerald has been on the Ngā Pou Mana board since 2019,

advocating for tauira and kaimahi Māori working in mental health and allied

professions. Drawing from her experience as a Personal Trainer, Emerald

maintains the kaupapa of exercising hauora, advocating for the integration of

physical activity across public and community services. She is passionate about

delivering an excellent quality of clinical and cultural care to tāngata whai i te

ora and strengthening the workforce who deliver this at the grassroots.


Tūmanako Tomo

Ko Taupirpi, ko Ruahine nga maunga.

Ko Waikato, ko Oroua nga awa,

Ko Waikato, ko Ngāti Kauwhata, ko Ngai Tahu, ko Rangitane nga iwi,

Ko Ngāti Māhuta, Ko Tahuriwakanui nga hapu,

Ko Waahi Pa, Ko Aorangi nga Mārae,

Ko Tainui te waka,

Ko mihingare te Hāhi,

Ko Tumanako Rangatahi Aonui Tomo tōku ingoa.


Tūmanako Tomo is a Kaiako /lecturer at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa of Bachelor of Bicultural Social Work programme. Before this role he was a teaching fellow at Waipapa Taumata Rau (Auckland University) He has over 15 years of experience in social work and youthwork. This includes working in Kaupapa Māori Mental Health and Youth Forensics services. He completed his Master's degree in Applied Indigenous Knowledge. He is currently pursuing a doctorate at Te Whare Wananga O Awanuiarangi. Additionally, he serves on the Nga Pou Mana Māori Allied Health Board and works as a researcher for the Kingi Ihaka research team.


Bridget Watson

Ko Ruahine te pae maunga 

Ko Aorangi te maunga tapu 

Ko Tākitimu te waka 

Ko Rangitīkei te awa 

Ko Ngāti Hauiti te iwi 

Ko Ngāti Tamatereka te hapū 

Ko Rātā te marae 

Ko Utiku Potaka te tupuna

Ka tū whakahirahira te rātā, ka hinga, ka tō te kākano, ka tupu anō, tīhei mauri ora!

Bridget Watson is studying a bachelors of te reo me ōna tikanga in full immersion at Te Wānanga o Raukawa in Ōtaki. She works for TBI Health, as a physiotherapist and as part of the Māori Health team, with a focus of delivering Māori Health equity. She had three years experience as a kaitiaki for the Māori physiotherapy roopu, Tae Ora Tinana, before joining the NPM board in 2023 as student rep. 


Brittani Beavis

Ko Tararua te Maunga

Ko Ohau te Awa

Ko Tainui te Waka

Ko Ngāti Raukawa te iwi

Ko Brittani Beavis tōkū ingoa

Brittani trained as a dietitian and has previously worked in Public Health as well as being a community dietitian for a Kaupapa Māori Health provider in the Top of the South Island, with a special interest in eating disorders and paediatric allergies. She has since moved focus into health service design and is currently employed by Ara Poutama Aotearoa within Te Matatiki o te Oranga, creating a Kaupapa Māori informed health service within prisons. Brittani is the newest member to the Ngā Pou Mana Board, joining at the end of 2023, however her previous governance experience includes being Chair of Te Kāhui Manukura o Kai Ora (Māori Dietitians Association) for four years, as well as being Deputy Chair and a general member of the Dietitians NZ Council for four years. 

Brittani has a strong passion for supporting equitable health outcomes for Māori whānau, but also uplifting the capacity and capability of kaimahi Māori. She is driven to call out systemic racism within workplaces our kaimahi Māori work, and also interpersonal racism within workforces. 


Joseph Tyro

Ka tiro ake au ki te mauka Te Poho o Tamatea 
e rere raro te awa Ōmaru
ki ka wai o Whakaraupō moana
ki te pā tūwatawata o Te Rāpaki o te Rakiwhakaputa 
tū mai te whare o Wheke 


Kia ora koutou, He uri ahau nō Ngāi Tahu, Te Atihaunui-a-Papārangi, Ngāti Rangi. Ko Hohepa tōku ingoa.

Joseph was raised in Ohinehou (Lyttelton), close to his grandfather’s papakāinga te hāpu o Ngāti Wheke.

Joseph currently works in a national role as the Principal Advisor Workforce for Health New Zealand and is a registered Social Worker. He has previously worked in senior executive leadership roles, and for the past 25 years worked in clinical and management roles within health, tertiary education, and social service sector. One of his proudest achievements is the development of the Lyttelton Youth Centre as a 16-year-old, which is still operating to this day. Joseph is proud to be a social worker and a member of Ngā Pou Mana, and is passionate about Hauora Māori and serving our community,

Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tatou katoa.


Gareth Jones

Mai i Maketu ki tongariro  
Ko Te Arawa te waka 
Ko Tamatekapua te tangata i runga ra 
Ko Pukerua-o-Ruawhata te maunga   
Ko Utuhina te awa  
Ko Rotorua nui a Kahumatamomoe te Moana 
Ko Tunohopu te marae 
Ngati Whakaue, Ngati Pikiao, Ngati Tahinga, Ngati Mutunga wetehi o oku hapu 
Ko Te Arawa, Tainui, me Taranaki oku iwi  

Gareth has worked for many years in promoting Te Ao Māori and the advancement of Māori, Pacific peoples and youth at an executive level and currently holds several board positions of which one is on the Ember Services Board. 

The Team