Get Involved

Give A Koha

Ngā Pou Mana is a not for profit Incorporated Society with charitable status.  Pūtea generated by the organisation is used to help support the growth and development of our allied health kaimahi and students.  


This includes funding for scholarships, financial support or grants for students, support to attend conferences or symposiums, wānanga, training and other opportunities.


We have a number of partnerships that we are proud of and mihi to all of those who support and contribute to the good work of Ngā Pou Mana.  


If you are an individual or organisation that would like to support our kaupapa, please get in touch to find out more.

Be a Koha

Ngā Pou Mana have a small number of back office support staff and an Executive Committee who strategise and then deliver valuable services to our members, however it is the contribution of volunteers that ensure the kaupapa can thrive into the future.


Ngā Pou Mana are dedicated to growing the puna, and succession planning around leadership and development of Ngā Pou Mana.  


If you would like to be involved in this kaupapa as a volunteer or would be interested in being part of the Ngā Pou Mana support crew, please get in touch.


Those that volunteer their time can gain valuable knowledge and skills regarding governance, leadership, event management and co-ordination and often have opportunities to attend training and learning events that not only support career development, but contribute to the broader kaupapa of improving Māori allied health workforce development.


We would love to hear from you.